Alternative Platforms to WordPress Websites that are Harder to Hack.

Alternative Platforms to WordPress Websites that are Harder to Hack.
A hacker surrounded by binary code in a technology-filled atmosphere.

Are you concerned about the security of your WordPress website? You’re not alone. Recent studies show that WordPress sites are often prime targets for hackers due to their popularity and known vulnerabilities.

This article will introduce robust alternatives to WordPress, offering better security features to help keep your site safe from cyber threats. Ready to fortify your web presence? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Wix offers highly flexible designs and powerful SEO tools for creating a secure website without advanced coding skills.
  • Squarespace is ideal for bloggers, providing user-friendly tools, beautiful templates, and top-notch security features like SSL certificates.
  • Shopify and BigCommerce are popular alternatives for e-commerce websites, offering hassle-free store building and transaction fee-free options respectively.

WordPress Alternatives for Website Creation

A woman working on a laptop surrounded by various website designs.

Wix offers flexible designs for a customizable website building experience.

Wix: Flexible designs

A graphic designer working on a laptop surrounded by creative elements.

Wix stands out as a top contender among WordPress alternatives due to its highly flexible designs. The platform offers an extensive collection of templates, encouraging creativity in the site’s aesthetics.

Its drag-and-drop functionality enables users to design unique and professional-looking websites without needing advanced coding skills. Moreover, Wix boasts powerful SEO tools that help increase website visibility on search engines.

Users can also leverage integrated marketing features for promoting their site effectively, contributing to a seamless and comprehensive website building experience with Wix.

Squarespace: Ideal for bloggers

A woman working on her blog about portrait photography.

Squarespace is a popular website builder that offers an ideal platform for bloggers. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive tools make it easy to create and customize stunning blog designs without any coding skills.

With Squarespace, bloggers can choose from a wide range of beautiful templates that are designed to showcase content effectively. The platform also provides built-in features like SEO optimization, social media integration, and analytics tracking to help bloggers reach a wider audience and monitor their performance.

Additionally, Squarespace ensures top-notch security with SSL certificates and regular backups, providing peace of mind against hacking or data loss. Whether you’re starting a personal blog or running a professional publication, Squarespace offers the perfect solution for creating an attractive and secure blogging platform.

Webflow: Designer-friendly

A diverse group of graphic designers collaborating on a creative project.

Webflow is a website builder that caters to the needs of designers. With its intuitive interface and powerful design tools, Webflow allows designers to create visually stunning websites without having to write code.

The platform offers a wide range of customizable templates and pre-built components, making it easy for designers to bring their creative visions to life. Webflow also provides advanced features such as responsive design capabilities and animations, allowing designers to create engaging user experiences.

With its focus on design flexibility and ease-of-use, Webflow is an excellent alternative for designers looking for a website creation platform that prioritizes aesthetics and visual appeal.

Hostinger Website Builder: Emerging option

A laptop displaying a new website in a minimalist workspace.

Hostinger Website Builder is an emerging option for those looking to create their website. With its user-friendly interface, even beginners can easily design and customize their site without any coding knowledge.

The builder offers a variety of modern templates that are fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. It also provides built-in SEO tools to help improve your website’s visibility in search engines.

Additionally, Hostinger Website Builder includes reliable hosting services with 24/7 customer support, ensuring that your site is always up and running smoothly. So whether you’re a small business owner or an individual looking to showcase your portfolio, Hostinger Website Builder is definitely worth considering as an alternative platform to WordPress.

Weebly: User-friendly

A person using a laptop in a colorful, clean workspace.

Weebly is a user-friendly website builder that makes it easy for anyone to create and customize their own website. With its simple drag-and-drop interface, you can design your site exactly the way you want it, without any coding or technical skills required.

Weebly also offers a wide range of templates and themes to choose from, so you can create a unique and professional-looking website in no time. Plus, with Weebly’s built-in SEO tools, you can optimize your site for search engines and increase your online visibility.

Whether you’re starting a blog, an online store, or a personal portfolio, Weebly is a great option for creating a secure and user-friendly website.

Jimdo: AI Builder for beginners

A laptop displaying a website being built surrounded by office supplies.

Jimdo is an excellent option for beginners who want to build their own website without any coding knowledge. With its AI Builder, Jimdo makes the process of creating a website incredibly easy and user-friendly.

The platform provides step-by-step guidance and templates to help you design and customize your site according to your needs. Jimdo also offers advanced features like SEO optimization and responsive design, ensuring that your website looks great on all devices.

Whether you’re starting a blog or setting up an online store, Jimdo’s AI Builder makes it accessible for anyone to create a professional-looking website with ease.

Overall, Jimdo’s AI Builder is perfect for beginners who want to take control of their website creation process without feeling overwhelmed by technical details. It provides a seamless experience with powerful features that ensure your site stands out in terms of design and functionality.

Joomla: Complex but powerful

A diverse group of web developers collaborating on a computer.

Joomla is a website builder and content management system that offers complex features and powerful capabilities. While it may require a bit more technical knowledge to use than some other platforms, Joomla provides users with a highly flexible and customizable experience.

With its extensive range of extensions and templates, you can create websites for various purposes, from e-commerce stores to community forums. So, if you’re willing to invest time in learning the ins and outs of Joomla, you’ll be rewarded with a robust platform that can handle even the most demanding website projects.

Webnode: Multilingual websites

A diverse group of people representing multilingual websites and cultures.

Webnode is a website builder that specializes in creating multilingual websites. With Webnode, you can easily create a website in multiple languages to reach a wider audience. The platform offers user-friendly tools and templates for designing your site, making it easy to customize and manage your content.

Whether you’re starting a blog or running an online business, Webnode provides the flexibility and functionality you need to create a professional-looking multilingual website.

Site123: Great free builder

A laptop displaying a website template, surrounded by creative elements.

Site123 is a fantastic option for those looking for a free website builder. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, even beginners can create professional-looking websites with ease.

Site123 offers a wide range of stylish templates to choose from, allowing users to customize their site’s design according to their preferences. What’s even better is that Site123 provides built-in security features, ensuring that your website stays protected against hacking attempts and malware attacks.

So if you’re on a budget but still want a reliable and secure platform for building your website, Site123 is definitely worth considering.

Medium, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

A diverse group of people collaborating and discussing ideas at a table.

Medium, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other similar platforms offer an alternative to WordPress for bloggers and content creators. These platforms provide a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily publish their articles and engage with their audience.

Medium, in particular, focuses on creating a community of writers where readers can discover a wide range of quality content. On the other hand, Facebook and LinkedIn allow users to share their articles with their social network or professional connections.

While these platforms may not offer the same level of customization as WordPress, they are popular choices for those looking for simplicity and built-in features for sharing and networking.

When it comes to website creation or blogging specifically within your chosen platform you’ve got quite a few options when considering alternatives like Medium – great if you’re just starting out because it’s free; Facebook – especially useful if you already have an established following there; or even LinkedIn depending on what kind of blog posts you want to make available through your professional network.

Ecommerce Alternatives to WordPress/WooCommerce

A woman managing an online store with a variety of photography subjects.

Shopify and BigCommerce are two popular ecommerce alternatives to WordPress/WooCommerce, offering hassle-free store building and transaction fee-free options respectively. Find out more about these platforms and discover which one suits your business needs best.

Shopify: Hassle-free store builder

Shopify is a hassle-free store builder that provides everything you need to start and manage your online store. With user-friendly templates, drag-and-drop design tools, and built-in marketing features, Shopify makes it easy for anyone to create a professional-looking e-commerce website.

From inventory management to order tracking and payment processing, Shopify offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline your online business operations. Plus, with secure hosting and robust security measures in place, you can rest assured that your customer’s data is protected.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to switch from WordPress/WooCommerce, Shopify is an excellent alternative for building and managing your online store efficiently.

BigCommerce: Transaction fee-free option

BigCommerce is a popular ecommerce platform that stands out for its transaction fee-free option. This means that you can sell products on your website without having to pay any additional fees on top of the regular costs associated with running an online store.

With BigCommerce, you have more control over your profits and can keep more money in your pocket. It’s a great choice if you’re looking for an ecommerce solution that offers flexibility and affordability.

When Not to Use WordPress as a CMS

Frustrated person trying to fix a broken WordPress website on laptop.

Evaluate the limitations and challenges of WordPress and discover alternative content management systems that may better suit your needs. Explore the possibilities in our blog post!

Assessing limitations and challenges

Assessing the limitations and challenges of using alternative platforms to WordPress is essential for making an informed choice. One limitation to consider is the learning curve associated with new website builders or content management systems (CMS).

It may take time to familiarize yourself with their features and functionalities, especially if you’re used to working with WordPress. Another challenge could be finding plugins or extensions that offer the same level of customization as those available for WordPress.

Additionally, it’s important to evaluate the security measures offered by these platforms, ensuring they have robust protection against hacking attempts. By carefully assessing these limitations and challenges, you can choose an alternative platform that meets your specific needs while providing enhanced security for your website.

Open-Source CMS Alternatives to WordPress

Diverse group of web developers collaborating on coding.

Some popular open-source CMS alternatives to WordPress include Drupal, Joomla, Grav, ProcessWire, ExpressionEngine, Jekyll, PrestaShop, OpenCart, October CMS, and Concrete CMS.


Drupal is a powerful open-source CMS that offers robust security features. It provides a high level of customization and scalability, making it suitable for complex websites with heavy content loads.

With its extensive selection of modules and themes, Drupal allows users to create dynamic and visually appealing websites. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for developers to manage and update content efficiently.

Drupal also has a large community of active contributors who continuously work on improving the platform’s functionality and security measures.


Joomla is a powerful content management system (CMS) that offers more complexity compared to other website builders. It may take some time to learn, but the effort is worth it if you’re looking for advanced features and customization options.

With Joomla, you have greater control over your site’s design and functionality. It also has robust security measures in place to help protect your website from hacking attempts. If you’re willing to invest the time into learning Joomla, it can be a great alternative platform for creating secure and highly customizable websites.


Grav is another open-source CMS alternative to WordPress that offers a secure and flexible platform for website development. It boasts a flat-file architecture, which means there is no need for a database, making it faster in terms of loading speed and reducing the risk of hacking vulnerabilities.

Grav also allows for easy content management through Markdown files, providing a user-friendly experience. With its extensive selection of themes and plugins, Grav provides designers with the tools they need to create visually stunning websites while maintaining strong security measures.


ProcessWire is a powerful open-source content management system (CMS) that offers enhanced security features. It provides developers with the flexibility to create customized websites and applications while prioritizing website protection against hacking and malware attacks.

With ProcessWire, you can easily manage your website’s content, design, and functionality, ensuring a secure online presence for your business or personal brand.


ExpressionEngine is a powerful and flexible content management system (CMS) that offers robust security features. With ExpressionEngine, you have the ability to create and manage complex websites with ease.

It provides advanced user permissions and access control, allowing you to assign specific roles and permissions to different users. The CMS also has built-in security measures such as CSRF protection, XSS filtering, input validation, and data sanitization.

With its active development community, regular updates, and strong focus on security, ExpressionEngine is a great alternative for those looking for a secure CMS option.


Jekyll is an open-source CMS alternative to WordPress that offers strong security features. It is a popular choice for developers and tech-savvy individuals who prefer customization and control over their website’s design and functionality.

Jekyll uses static site generation, which means each page of your website is pre-built as plain HTML files, making it harder for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities. With Jekyll, you can host your website on GitHub Pages or other hosting providers, ensuring secure content delivery.

While Jekyll may require more technical knowledge compared to other platforms, its robust security measures make it an excellent option for those seeking hack-resistant website development.


PrestaShop is an open-source content management system (CMS) that offers a secure and customizable platform for building your website. With PrestaShop, you have control over every aspect of your online store, from design to functionality.

It provides a range of features such as product management, order tracking, and payment integration. The platform also has built-in security measures to protect your website from hacking attempts.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, PrestaShop offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to create a professional and secure ecommerce website.


OpenCart is another popular open-source CMS alternative to WordPress that offers a range of features for building and managing ecommerce websites. With its user-friendly interface, OpenCart allows you to easily customize your online store, add products, and process orders.

It also provides various built-in payment gateways and shipping methods to streamline the shopping experience for your customers. Additionally, OpenCart offers a large selection of extensions and themes to further enhance the functionality and design of your website.

Overall, OpenCart is a reliable option for those looking for an alternative ecommerce platform with strong security measures in place.

October CMS

October CMS is a secure and user-friendly alternative to WordPress for building websites. It offers a robust content management system that prioritizes security and protection against hacking attempts.

October CMS provides features such as malware detection, firewall, website scanning, and clean-ups to ensure the safety of your website. With its intuitive interface and customizable options, October CMS is a great choice for developers, designers, and businesses looking for a reliable platform with enhanced security measures.

Concrete CMS

Concrete CMS is a powerful open-source content management system that offers robust security features. With Concrete CMS, you can create and manage your website with ease while minimizing the risk of hacking.

It provides built-in protection against malware detection, firewall breaches, and other security threats. This platform also offers regular website scanning and cleanups to ensure your site stays safe and secure.

Concrete CMS is an excellent alternative to WordPress for those who prioritize strong security measures for their website development needs.

Abstract digital security artwork featuring padlock and shield icons with diverse individuals.

In conclusion, there are several alternative platforms to WordPress websites that offer enhanced security features, making them harder to hack. Whether you’re a blogger looking for user-friendly options like Wix or Squarespace, or a designer interested in Webflow or Joomla’s powerful capabilities, there’s an alternative platform out there that can meet your needs while keeping your website safe from hackers.

Give these alternatives a try and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your website is secure.


1. What are alternative platforms to WordPress websites that are harder to hack?

Alternative platforms to WordPress Websites that are harder to hack include secure website platforms like opensource CMS options, Joomla alternatives, Drupal website alternatives and selfhosted CMS alternatives.

2. Why should I consider a blogging platform for designers?

A blogging platform for designers not only offers enhanced capabilities in website design but also includes stronger security features and hacking prevention mechanisms.

3. Can CMS platforms with strong security help prevent hacking?

Yes, CMS platforms with strong security have robust features designed specifically for website hacking prevention; they stand as reliable WordPress alternatives.

4. Which website builders offer enhanced security?

Website builders with enhanced security include custom development platforms, which often come equipped with built-in measures for protection against potential hacks.

5. If my site gets hacked, can these alternative platforms help me recover it?

While the aim of these secure content management systems is primarily prevention rather than cure, some do offer tools for website recovery following an attack.

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